Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lucky New Year's Day Foods


Before I share my Black-Eyed Pea Chili recipe, please find below some easy and quick ways to insure your new year is lucky and everything you want it to be.  Please go to my website and sign up for the Whispering Lane Letter---You will receive FREE insights to create your most perfect home/sanctuary and how to better understand how you are hard-wired via your 9Starr Song.

Happy New Year---January 1, 2012 is on a Sunday.  I love this because we will ring in the New Year at midnight on Saturday.  Let everything that no longer serves you fall away and this includes fear, limitations, blame, shame, excuses and of course all lack of pampering for your soul & body; clutter of your house & mind plus let go of all resolutions---yes in just 2 days, there is work to do!  How Fun?  Oh yes, write down that you will be forever kind to yourself, to others and to the environment. 

Write Down all of your INTENTIONS...toss all re*solutions.  Just by dreaming a new dream or re*newing an ongoing wish by committing them In Writing, you are re*solving to re*ceive them.  The act of writing them down creates a contract with the Universe, with Source, with God, with the Angels, with your Higher Self, with the Cosmic Helpers and of course with the Infinite!  DREAM HIGH, LARGE, BEAUTIFULLY, ABUNDANTLY, JOYOUSLY, FANTASTICALLY, MAGICALLY, INSPIRATIONALLY AND  FANTABULOUSLY~DREAM, DREAM & DREAM

Declutter as much as possible...this practice is essential for you to harness the positive energy of abundance and be in the flow of its prosperity. Clutter blocks and hinders your Great-Good.  Years ago, I adopted the adage, DO & BE.

Bedroom:  Begin the New Year with either freshly laundered bedsheets and even better, new ones.  RED is the essential color to have in 2012 so pleazzzzzzzz have something red in or on your bed.   

Kitchen:  Clean out your fridge--throw out all foods that you do not use or even like; check for the expiration date and make sure to keep all foods current and fresh.  Keep your pantry and your fridge stocked as an empty cupboard or refrigerator symbolize lack...fill yours with delightfully nutritious foods.  Decide 2012 is your year of healthy eating. 

Front Door:  Sweep your foyer, front porch, entry way or where ever the architecturally designed front door is located.  Even if you enter through your garage, your front door is where the chi is coming in.  Invite auspicious chi in with joy and be the perfect host to your Great Good-it wants to bless you!  Place a frog, snake, dragon, garden globe or even a mermaid or Neptune statuary or figurine by your door.  This is the Year of the Water Dragon so enhance the door with a water feature.  Face it toward your door---not the street.

Greenery:  To the east of your home, buy a new plant and bless it.  This direction is considered new beginnings and certainly, a new year bodes well for a fresh start.

Papers, Email:  Even though this falls in the declutter process, please delete all out of date email messages and toss all of the old papers that no longer serve your highest best.

Now onto to the Food---Black-Eyed-Pea Chili:   1 can of Black-Eyed Peas (drained)
                    Use either a 12 oz. can of organic diced Tomatoes or 2 cups of Grape Tomatoes (halved)
                    1 C Diced Onions
                    1 C diced Red Bell Peppers
                    8 Oz. lean Ground Beef
                    1 TBSP. Chili Powder
                    3 TBSP. Ketchup
                    1/2 C of Water
                    1/2 Grated Cheddar Cheese
                    1 Avocado
                    Juice of Lime

Combine peas and half tomatoes in a Vita-Mix or food processor until smooth;  preheat a Dutch oven and brown beef until done and set aside in a separate bowl.  Then add remainder of tomatoes and half of the onions to the pot, saaute until tender---2 to 3 minutes and then add back in the beef.  Stir in the bean/tomato mixture with the chili poweder, ketchup and water.  Simmer uncovered about 15 minutes; mash the avacado and mix in 1/2 the lime juice; add the other lime juice to the chili and stir.  Remove chili from heat and cover.  Serve in ample bowls, top with cheddar and avacado mash.  Serves 2 generously or 4 when added to another dish such as prosperous greens and cornbread.  LUCKY YOU!

Lucky Foods in the Above Suggested Menu
                        Cornbread for its golden color for gold itself
                        Tomatoes for their wealth and health
                        Avacado for its green as in money
                        Black-Eyed Peas for their coin shape

Oranges:  These perfectly represent wealth...look at its golden orange color and be amazed.  Section them, slice them, peel them...however you prefer them, enjoy their liquid gold.  Always keep them on display in a cool place and make sure they stay naturally fresh.  Year 'round I have at least 8 oranges in my large wooden salad bowl.  I eat one a day so they are constantly being re*placed.  I also have little candies (no, I do not eat them daily) next to the oranges and my guest love nibbling on these tasty treats.

Greens:  Collard, Kale, Chard, Cabbage symbolize green back-a-dollars $$

Pork: Animal that pushes forward so it represents forward and abundant progress

Grapes:  Their green and purple colors are also celebrated as being auspicious

Fish:  Asian symbol of wealth in food and in art itself

Legumes:  As mentioned above, the Black-Eyed Pea is considered especially lucky.  During the Civil War the soldiers found this legume while under attack, they were facing starvation but this simple food renewed their strength.  Any bean will do but the BEP is the luckiest ever.

Cakes:  Shaped in a circle or ring, delicious cakes are symbolic of coins.  In fact on the Today Show, a Foodie said that cakes will be more popular than the cupcake because 2012 will be a year of great comfort in the food department.  Yummy.  So please add in apples, nuts, raisins and you have a delicious desert to bless the New Year's fortune.  You can also choose to eat donuts but do choose the more adorned ones with lovely bling and bliss added in.  Also, blueberry pancakes with heavenly Maple syrup are a staple in our New Year's brunch. 

                                         BE WELL...The Home Whisperer


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